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Baptism is an entry into the church family and the body of Christ. Baptism is a free gift of God, an expression of God's grace. There is nothing we can do to earn it.   St John's welcomes families bringing children for baptism as well as young people and adults making their own choice to be baptised. 
Baptisms are conducted during the regular Sunday services, so that the congregation can welcome the newly bapstised and support them in their Christian life. 


Preparation with the Vicar
​The vicar expects to meet with you soon after your initial enquiry to discuss your understanding of baptism and your hopes for the child or yourself. This will be followed by subsequent meetings in preparation for the commitments to be made. 



Image by Jeremy Wong Weddings


The marriage service is a service of worship of God. In this context of worship, two people publicly declare their love for each other and promise to journey together in that love for the rest of their lives.   

As a church community, we offer Anglican wedding services taken by an Anglican Priest. We are not a wedding venue available for hire.


 We value the opportunity to work with couples thankful to God for their love for each other and wanting to ask God's blessing for the years ahead.


To help you prepare the Vicar offers the
PREPARE/ENRICH programme which is described as “a leading relationship inventory and couples assessment tool".


Scientifically  validated as a foundational program for premarital counselling, marriage enrichment, couples therapy, marriage mentoring and marriage education, PREPARE/ENRICH automatically tailors the content of the relationship assessment to fit each couple's unique relationship stage and family structure."

PREPARE/ENRICH involves both of you completing an online survey to help you identify the unique strengths and potential growth areas of your relationship. You then meet with the vicar  4-6 times to work through these. Those who have met with the vicar in these sessions describe it as a very positive way of spending some quality time growing in their relationship prior to making a final marriage commitment. There is a cost of $50.00 each for PREPARE/ENRICH.


The grief of the death of a loved one is one of life's greatest challenges.  It is our privilege to support you on that journey of saying goodbye. As part of our ministry here at St. John's, we help families prepare for the funeral of a loved one; take the funeral service including the committal, the interment of ashes following cremation; and following the funeral we offer house blessings and bereavement ministry.  

We are available to take a funeral service for anyone who wishes to make use of the services of a minister. The person does not have to be “Anglican” and does not have to be on a parish roll. 

We offer the use of our facilities including the church you prefer, lounge or hall, both with kitchens,all at a cost effective rate. We also have a team who can serve refreshments at a per head fee.

When working with families we always seek to ensure that any needs a family may have are met. We seek to be as sensitive as possible to different cultures.

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